Learn The Basics Identity Theft Protection
When it comes to protecting your identity it comes down to how much you guard your privacy. We at IDPST.net have provided you with information to protecting yourself. Read through the information and learn what you can do to stay safe. Here are some safety tips that will help deter criminals from stealing from you.
- Always dispose of mail that has your address or any additional information visible
- Never carry your Social Security card with you.
- Do not use your Social Security number for an identification number.
- Always check your credit card statements.
- Take credit card receipts with you and never leave them in public places.
- Limit the amount of credit cards you carry, just the ones you use.
- When shopping online do not use debit cards, use credit cards instead.
- Each year request a copy of your credit score
- Keep personal information secure within your household.
By following some of these simple steps you can deter your chances of becoming a victim. These are just suggested tips to protecting yourself. There is no full proof plan to stopping the criminals.